Attorney Ryenne Shaw had been practicing corporate law with firms for years when she created the Bosses’ Lawyer as an answer to the huge void she’d seen in the industry.
Her colleagues had a transactional relationship with clients — they offer the service, the clients pay the $400,000 invoices — and she wanted to build her own business on relatability and accessibility.
“Having worked at larger firms, I recognized that the service that big corporations were getting was very relationship-oriented,” Ryenne says. “And so, they ultimately ended up with a lot more protection and a lot more guidance than smaller entities can afford.”
Ryenne’s work with representing large corporations and municipalities had taught her what businesses of all sizes really need to thrive. And for small businesses, she knew there were huge service gaps that those entrepreneurs weren’t getting.
“It just leaves the smaller businesses without the additional guidance and support that they need to grow and to maintain their profits,” Ryenne says. ”My clients are people who are about their money, they’re about their expanding their territory, building their empire, and are just really looking for legal support to guide them through that process.”
But even with focus, becoming a business owner hasn’t been an easy task. Ryenne had to learn how to build a team and trust those people to deliver on their promises the same way her clients trust her.
“I have to be able to delegate a lot of things in order to be productive and profitable as well as to provide a certain level of service to my clients,” Ryenne says. “The challenging part for me is just finding people that are as invested into my vision as I am — or at least who even get it — who understand how important their role is in the ultimate vision.”
Plus, she had to learn to trust herself.
“I had to really get smart about that,” Ryenne says. “Every day, I consistently tell myself that what I’m trying to accomplish is very possible and I’m very capable. … I had to continue to work on my self-esteem, bottom line.”
Now, just months before her business hits the two-year mark, Ryenne is working on automating her business to work more efficiently — and without her.
“Ultimately, the goal is to be able to have my business run without me, and so, I am bringing that to life now,” Ryenne says. “So I think the first phase of building the business for me was just kind of servicing my clients: figuring out what people need, what they’re not getting, what my competitors aren’t doing, and then trying to fill those different voids. Now, I’m at a place where I need to do all those things more efficiently.”
And Ryenne’s money-making mantra? The price is the price.
“If you bring value, you’re going to make money so you don’t have to haggle back and forth about prices,” Ryenne says. “You just have to continue to bring value and the people that recognize your value will find you and they will pay you what you’re worth.”